Hun-Yuan Saber Moves


Initially copied with minor edits from other sites but I have yet to complete the Chinese tonal marking and appropriate literal translations with footnote. Also the sectioning is my own attempt, as far as I know, there isn't any official organization of the form into sections. 

Section 1

1. 起式 Qi~ Shi\

   Starting Move

2. 护心刀 Hu\ Xin- Dao-

   Protecting Heart with Saber                    

3. 青龙出水 Qing- Long/ Chu- Shui~

   Blue Dragon Comes Out of Water                

4. 风卷残云 Feng- Juan~ Can/ Yun/

   Wind Blows Scatters Clouds               

5. 白云盖顶 Bai/ Yun/ Gai\ Ding~

   White Clouds Cover the Head               

Section 2

6. 黑虎搜山 Hei Hu Sou Shan

   Black Tiger Searches Mountain               

7. 苏秦背剑 Su Qin Bei Jian

   Su-Qin Carries the Sword               

8. 金鸡独立 Jin Ji Du Li

   Golden Rooster Stands On One Leg               

9. 迎风斩草 Ying Feng Zhan Cao

   Cut Grass Against the Wind                

10.腰斩白蛇 Yao Zhan Bai She

   Cut White Snake at the Waist

Section 3

11. 日套三环 Ri Tao San Huan

    Capture Sun with Three Rings                    

12. 拨云望月 Bo Yun Wang Yue

    Push Away Clouds to Look at Moon                

13. 拨草寻蛇 Bo Cao Xun She

    Part Grass to Seek the Snake                    

14. 青龙出水 Qing Long Chu Shui

    Blue Dragon Comes Out of Water                

15. 风卷残云 Feng Juan Can Yun

    Wind Blows Scatters Clouds


(followed by unnumbered move: 腰斩白蛇 

 Cut White Snake at the Waist)

Section 4

16. 力劈华山 Li Pi Hua Shan

    Forcefully Split Hua-Mountain 

17. 雁别金翅 Yan Bie Jin Chi

    Goose Tucks Its Golden Wings

18. 夜叉探海 Yie Cha Tan Hai 

    Night Demon Probes the Sea

19. 翻身砍 Fan Shen Kan

    Turn Around and Chop 

20. 回身再砍 Hui Shen Zai Kan

    Turn Back to Chop Again 

Section 5

21. 黄龙三搅水 Huang Long San Jiao Shui

    Yellow Dragon Stirs Water Three Times

22. 退步分水式 Tui Bu Fen Shui Shi

    Step Back to Part the Water 

23. 双震脚 Shuang Zhen Jiao

    Double Stomp Feet

24. 玉女穿梭 Yu Nu Chuan Suo

    Jade Lady Works At Shuttle

25. 腰斩白蛇 Yao Zhan Bai She

    Cut White Snake at the Waist

Section 6

26. 野战八方 Ye Zhan Ba Fang

    Battle Eight Directions at Night

27. 连环刀 Lian Huan Dao

    Circular Slashing Saber 

28. 败势撩阴刀 Bai Shi Liao Yin Dao

    Feint Retreat then Low Crotch Cut  

29. 护心刀 Hu Xin Dao

    Protecting Heart with Saber 

30. 白鹤亮翅穿心掌 Bai He Liang Chi Chuan Xin Zhang

    White Crane Spreads Wings Palm Strike thru Heart 


Section 7

31. 反背刀 Fan Bei Dao

    Turn Back and Chop

32. 独立式 Du Li Shi

    One Legged Stand Posture 

33. 披身斜挂 Pi Shen Xie Gua

    Cover Body Chop and Hang Slanted 

34. 横扫千军 Heng Sao Qian Jun

    Sweep across Thousand Soldiers 

Section 8

35. 刺刀开合 Ci Dao Kai He

    Saber Thrust and Open Close 

   (或 指南针开合式 Zi Nan Zhen Kai He Shi

    or South Pointing Needle Open and Close)

36. 夜叉探海 Ye Cha Tan Hai

    Night Demon Probes the Sea 

37. 白猿献果 Bai Yuan Xian Guo

    White Ape Presents Fruits

38. 怀中抱月收式 Huai Zhong Bao Yue Shou Shi

    Cradle Moon in Chest, Closing Move