Feng Zhiqiang Chen Style Taijiquan Academy
Update: With heavy heart, we are sharing the news that Master Zhang, at 95 years of age, has passed on in a hospital surrounded by family in Wuhu China, around mid-night Beijing time on Friday Feb 24th 2023. Due to strict COVID protocol, a brief, simple and small funeral attended by a dozen close family members was held Monday morning of Feb 27th. Please share a thought and sign the list of names shared on the students and disciples mailing lists that we will forward to the family. A memorial service in the Bay Area where more people can come pay their respect is being planned and we will announce the details when more is known.
Our academy is formed by the students of Master Zhang Xue-Xin, senior disciple of Grand Master Feng Zhi-Qiang. We use the website to publish articles, related schools' information and announce important events. We also host a Facebook Page to exchange ideas and socialize with the wider community.