71 Cannon Moves
chen/ shi\ xin- yi\ hun/ yuan/ qi- shi/ yi- shi\ pao\ chui/ (er\ lu\)
Chen Style Xin Yi Hun Yuan Seventy One Movements Cannon Fist ("Second" Path/Form)
Note that the grouping of movements into sections is done by the translator (Brian Guan) as an attempt to divide the rather long form into manageable chunks and has not been approved by Master Feng or Master Zhang.
Section i 【第一段】 di\ yi- duan\
1. 无极起式 Wu/ ji/ qi~ shi\
“nothing, ultimate1, starting, posture”
starting posture
2. 金刚捣碓 Jin- gang- dao~ dui-
“Buddha’s warrior, pound, mortar”
Buddha’s warrior pounds mortar
3. 懒扎衣 Lan~ zha- yi-
“lazy, tie, coat”
leisurely tie coat
4. 六封四閉 Liu\ feng- si\ bi\
“six, blocking, four, closing”
six blocking four closing
5. 单鞭 Dan- bien-
“single, whip”
single whip
6. 搬拦捶 Ban- lan/ chui/
“move, block, punch”
move, block and punch
7. 护心捶 Hu\ xin- chui/
“protect, heart, punch”
protect heart and punch
Section ii 【第二段】 di\ er\ duan\
8. 斜行拗步 Xie/ xing/ ao/ bu\
“diagonal, walk, twist, step”
walk obliquely and twist step
9. 煞腰壓肘 Sha- yao- ya- zhou~
“tighten/stop, waist, press, elbow”
snap waist press elbow
10. 井揽(拦)直入 Jin~ lan~ zhi / ru\
“well, block, straight, in”
down block1 then enter straight
11. 风扫梅花 Feng- shao~ mei/ hua-
“wind, sweep, plum, flower”
wind sweeps plum flower
12. 金刚捣碓 Jin- gang- dao~ dui-
“Buddha’s warrior, pound, mortar”
Buddha’s warrior pounds mortar
Section iii 【第三段】 di\ san- duan\
13. 庇身捶 Pi- shen- chui/
“drape, body, punch”
shield body punch
14. 撇身捶 Pie- shen- chui/
“whip-throw, body, punch”
whip (arm) body punch
15. 斩手 Zhan~ shou~
“chop, hand”
chop hand
16. 翻花舞袖 Fan- hua- wu~ xiu\
“churn, flower, wave, sleeve”
churn flower wave sleeve
17. 掩手肱(红)捶 Yen~ shou~ gong- (or more commonly hong/) chui/
“cover, hand, arm (or "red"), punch ”
cover hand punch
Section iv 【第四段】 di\ si\ duan\
18. 飞步腰拦肘 Fei- bu\ yao- lan/ zhou/
“fly, step, waist, block, elbow”
jump forward strike body with elbow
19. 云手 Yun/ shou~
“Cloud, Hand”
Cloud hand
20. 高探马 Gao- tan\ ma~
“High, Pad, Horse” or "High, Scout"
High probe
21. 云手 Yun/ shou~
“Cloud, Hand”
Cloud hand
22. 高探马 Gao- tan\ ma~
“High, Pad, Horse”
High pad horse
23., 24., 25., 连珠炮(1) Lian/ zhu- pao\ (1, 2, 3)
“Link, Perl, Canon”
Chain Canon
Section v 【第五段】 di\ wu~ duan\
26. 倒骑麟 Dao\ qi/ lin/
“Backward, ride, dragon-beast”
Ride the dragon-beast backward
27., 28., 29., 白蛇吐信(1, 2, 3) Bai/ se/ tu~ xin\ (1, 2, 3)
“White, snake, spit, tongue”
white snake spit tongue
30. 海底翻花 Hai~ di~ fan/ hua/
“ocean, bottom, churn, flower”
Churn flower from bottom of the sea
31. 掩手肱(红)捶 Yen~ shou~ gong- (or more commonly hong/) chui/
“cover, hand, arm (or "red"), punch ”
cover hand punch
Section vi 【第六段】 di\ liu\ duan\
32. 转身六合 Zhuan~ shen- liu\ he/
“turn, body, six, close”
turn body and close in six places
33., 34., 35., 36., 裹鞭炮(左1,2, 右1,2) guo~ bian- pao\ (zuo~ 1,2 , you\ 1,2)
“wrap, whip, cannon”
wrap and whip punch2 (left 1,2 and right 1,2)
37. 兽头式 Shou\ tou/ shi\
“Beast, Head, Posture”
Beast Head Posture
38. 劈架子 Pi\ jia\ zi~
“smash, posture”
Smashing posture
39. 翻花舞袖 Fan- hua- wu~ xiu\
“churn, flower, wave, sleeve”
churn flower wave sleeve
40. 掩手肱(红)捶 Yen~ shou~ gong- (or more commonly hong/) chui/
“cover, hand, arm (or "red"), punch ”
cover hand punch
Section vii 【第七段】 di\ qi- duan\
41. 伏虎式 Fu\ hu~ shi\
“tame, tiger, posture”
tame tiger posture
42. 抹眉红 Ma- mei/ hong/
“rub, eye-brow, red”
Rub eye-brow red
43., 44., 黄龙三捣水 (左右) huang/ long/ san- dao~ xui~ (Zuo~ You\)
“left, yellow, dragon, three, stir, water”
yellow dragon stir water 3 times (left, right)
45., 46., 左右蹬脚 Zuo~ You\ deng\ jiao~
“Left, Right, Heel-Kick, Foot”
Left and Right Heel Kick
47. 海底翻花 Hai~ di~ fan/ hua/
“ocean, bottom, churn, flower”
Churn flower from bottom of the sea
48. 掩手肱(红)捶 Yen~ shou~ gong- (or more commonly hong/) chui/
“cover, hand, arm (or "red"), punch ”
cover hand punch
Section viii 【第八段】 di\ ba- duan\
49. 扫堂腿 Shao~ tang/ tui~
“sweep, room, leg”
floor sweeping kick
50. 掩手肱(红)捶 Yen~ shou~ gong- (or more commonly hong/) chui/
“cover, hand, arm (or "red"), punch ”
cover hand punch
51., 52., 左冲右冲 Zhuo~ chong- You\ chong-
“left, dash, right, dash””
left right dashing punch
53. 倒插 Dao~ cha-
“reverse, plunge”
upside-down plunging punch
54. 海底翻花 Hai~ di~ fan/ hua/
“ocean, bottom, churn, flower”
Churn flower from bottom of the sea
55. 掩手肱(红)捶 Yen~ shou~ gong- (or more commonly hong/) chui/
“cover, hand, arm (or "red"), punch ”
cover hand punch
Section ix 【第九段】 di\ jiu~ duan\
56., 57., 夺二肱(红)(1,2) duo/ er\ gong- (or more commonly hong/) (1,2)
“snatch, two, arm”
snatch-punch twice
58. 连珠炮 Lian/ zhu- pao\
“Link, Perl, Canon”
Chain Canon
59. 玉女穿梭 Yü\ nü~ chuan- shuo-
“Jade, Lady, Pierce, Shuttle”
Jade Lady Works Shuttle
60. 回身炮 Hui/ shen- pao\
“Return, Body, Canon”
Turn Body and Punch
61. 玉女穿梭 Yü\ nü~ chuan- shuo-
“Jade, Lady, Pierce, Shuttle”
Jade Lady Works Shuttle
62. 回身炮 Hui/ shen- pao\
“Return, Body, Canon”
Turn Body and Punch
63. 撇身捶 Pie- shen- chui/
“whip-throw, body, punch”
whip (arm) body punch
Section x 【第十段】 di\ shi/ duan\
64. 拗鸾肘 Ao/ luan/ zhou/
“twist, sparrow?, elbow”
twisting elbow-strike
65. 顺鸾肘 Shun\ luan/ zhou/
“smooth, sparrow?, elbow”
normal elbow-strike
66. 穿心肘 Chuan- xin- zhou/
“Pierce, Heart, Elbow”
Elbow Through The Heart
67. 窝底炮 Wuo- di~ pao\
“bosom, bottom, cannon”
punch from bosom
68. 井揽(拦)直入 Jin~ lan~ zhi / ru\
“well, block, straight, in”
down block then enter straight
69. 风扫梅花 Feng- shao~ mei/ hua-
“wind, sweep, plum, flower”
wind sweeps plum flower
70. 金刚捣碓 Jin- gang- dao~ dui-
“Buddha’s warrior, pound, mortar”
Buddha’s warrior pounds mortar
71. 收式 Shou- shi\
“closing, posture”
closing posture
Alternative Extended Ending Added By Master Zhang
64. 腰拦肘 yao- lan/ zhou/
“waist, block, elbow”
waist block and elbow-strike
65. 右拗鸾肘 Ao/ luan/ zhou/
“right,twist, sparrow, elbow”
right twisting elbow-strike
66. 右顺鸾肘 Shun\ luan/ zhou/
“right, smooth, sparrow?, elbow”
right neutralize and elbow-strike
67. 左拗鸾肘 Ao/ luan/ zhou/
“left,twist, sparrow, elbow”
left twisting elbow-strike
68. 左顺鸾肘 Shun\ luan/ zhou/
“right, smooth, sparrow?, elbow”
right neutralize and elbow-strike
69. 雙開一字肘 shuang- kai- yi- zi\ zhou/
“Double, Open, One, Character, Elbow”
Double Elbow Punch (in the shape of the Chinese Character One, which is a horizontal straight line)
70. 双碰肘 shuang- peng\ zhou/
“Double, Collide, Elbow”
Double Elbow Forward Punch
71. 双挂肘 shuang- gua\ zhou/
“Double, Hanging, Elbow”
Double Elbow Rotate Backward Punch
72. 前肩靠 qian/ jian- kao\
“Front, Shoulder, Lean”
(Double) Front Shoulder Lean-in Strike
73. 后肩靠 hou\ jian- kao\
“Back, Shoulder, Lean”
(Double) Back Shoulder Strike
74. 右穿心肘 Chuan- xin- zhou/
“Right, Pierce, Heart, Elbow”
Right Elbow Through The Heart
75. 左穿心肘 Chuan- xin- zhou/
“Left, Pierce, Heart, Elbow”
Left Elbow Through The Heart
77. 雀地龍沖炮 que- di\ long/ chong- pao\
“Sparrow, Ground, Dragon, Dash, Canon”
Low Flying Dragon Dashing Punch
78. 拦腰炮 lan/ yao- pao\
“block, waist, cannon”
waist block and punch
79. 翻花舞袖 Fan- hua- wu~ xiu\
“churn, flower, wave, sleeve”
churn flower wave sleeve
80. 劈挂掌 pi\ gua\ zhang~
"chop, swing, palm"
Chopping swinging palm strike
81. 连环泡 lian/ huan/ pao\
"link, circle, cannon"
Repeating punch
82. 窝底炮 Wuo- di~ pao\
“bosom, bottom, cannon”
punch from bosom
83. 井揽(拦)直入 Jin~ lan~ zhi / ru\
“well, block, straight, in”
down block then enter straight
84. 风扫梅花 Feng- shao~ mei/ hua-
“wind, sweep, plum, flower”
wind sweeps plum flower
85. 金刚捣碓 Jin- gang- dao~ dui-
“Buddha’s warrior, pound, mortar”
Buddha’s warrior pounds mortar
86. 收式 Shou- shi\
“closing, posture”
closing posture
Section i 【第一段】 di\ yi- duan\
1. 无极起式 Wu/ ji/ qi~ shi\
“nothing, ultimate1, starting, posture”
starting posture
2. 金刚捣碓 Jin- gang- dao~ dui-
“Buddha’s warrior, pound, mortar”
Buddha’s warrior pounds mortar
3. 懒扎衣 Lan~ zha- yi-
“lazy, tie, coat”
leisurely tie coat
4. 六封四閉 Liu\ feng- si\ bi\
“six, blocking, four, closing”
six blocking four closing
5. 单鞭 Dan- bien-
“single, whip”
single whip
6. 搬拦捶 Ban- lan/ chui/
“move, block, punch”
move, block and punch
7. 护心捶 Hu\ xin- chui/
“protect, heart, punch”
protect heart and punch
Section ii 【第二段】 di\ er\ duan\
8. 斜行拗步 Xie/ xing/ ao/ bu\
“diagonal, walk, twist, step”
walk obliquely and twist step
9. 煞腰壓肘 Sha- yao- ya- zhou~
“tighten/stop, waist, press, elbow”
snap waist press elbow
10. 井揽(拦)直入 Jin~ lan~ zhi / ru\
“well, block, straight, in”
down block1 then enter straight
11. 风扫梅花 Feng- shao~ mei/ hua-
“wind, sweep, plum, flower”
wind sweeps plum flower
12. 金刚捣碓 Jin- gang- dao~ dui-
“Buddha’s warrior, pound, mortar”
Buddha’s warrior pounds mortar
Section iii 【第三段】 di\ san- duan\
13. 庇身捶 Pi- shen- chui/
“drape, body, punch”
shield body punch
14. 撇身捶 Pie- shen- chui/
“whip-throw, body, punch”
whip (arm) body punch
15. 斩手 Zhan~ shou~
“chop, hand”
chop hand
16. 翻花舞袖 Fan- hua- wu~ xiu\
“churn, flower, wave, sleeve”
churn flower wave sleeve
17. 掩手肱(红)捶 Yen~ shou~ gong- (or more commonly hong/) chui/
“cover, hand, arm (or "red"), punch ”
cover hand punch
Section iv 【第四段】 di\ si\ duan\
18. 飞步腰拦肘 Fei- bu\ yao- lan/ zhou/
“fly, step, waist, block, elbow”
jump forward strike body with elbow
19. 云手 Yun/ shou~
“Cloud, Hand”
Cloud hand
20. 高探马 Gao- tan\ ma~
“High, Pad, Horse” or "High, Scout"
High probe
21. 云手 Yun/ shou~
“Cloud, Hand”
Cloud hand
22. 高探马 Gao- tan\ ma~
“High, Pad, Horse”
High pad horse
23., 24., 25., 连珠炮(1) Lian/ zhu- pao\ (1, 2, 3)
“Link, Perl, Canon”
Chain Canon
Section v 【第五段】 di\ wu~ duan\
26. 倒骑麟 Dao\ qi/ lin/
“Backward, ride, dragon-beast”
Ride the dragon-beast backward
27., 28., 29., 白蛇吐信(1, 2, 3) Bai/ se/ tu~ xin\ (1, 2, 3)
“White, snake, spit, tongue”
white snake spit tongue
30. 海底翻花 Hai~ di~ fan/ hua/
“ocean, bottom, churn, flower”
Churn flower from bottom of the sea
31. 掩手肱(红)捶 Yen~ shou~ gong- (or more commonly hong/) chui/
“cover, hand, arm (or "red"), punch ”
cover hand punch
Section vi 【第六段】 di\ liu\ duan\
32. 转身六合 Zhuan~ shen- liu\ he/
“turn, body, six, close”
turn body and close in six places
33., 34., 35., 36., 裹鞭炮(左1,2, 右1,2) guo~ bian- pao\ (zuo~ 1,2 , you\ 1,2)
“wrap, whip, cannon”
wrap and whip punch2 (left 1,2 and right 1,2)
37. 兽头式 Shou\ tou/ shi\
“Beast, Head, Posture”
Beast Head Posture
38. 劈架子 Pi\ jia\ zi~
“smash, posture”
Smashing posture
39. 翻花舞袖 Fan- hua- wu~ xiu\
“churn, flower, wave, sleeve”
churn flower wave sleeve
40. 掩手肱(红)捶 Yen~ shou~ gong- (or more commonly hong/) chui/
“cover, hand, arm (or "red"), punch ”
cover hand punch
Section vii 【第七段】 di\ qi- duan\
41. 伏虎式 Fu\ hu~ shi\
“tame, tiger, posture”
tame tiger posture
42. 抹眉红 Ma- mei/ hong/
“rub, eye-brow, red”
Rub eye-brow red
43., 44., 黄龙三捣水 (左右) huang/ long/ san- dao~ xui~ (Zuo~ You\)
“left, yellow, dragon, three, stir, water”
yellow dragon stir water 3 times (left, right)
45., 46., 左右蹬脚 Zuo~ You\ deng\ jiao~
“Left, Right, Heel-Kick, Foot”
Left and Right Heel Kick
47. 海底翻花 Hai~ di~ fan/ hua/
“ocean, bottom, churn, flower”
Churn flower from bottom of the sea
48. 掩手肱(红)捶 Yen~ shou~ gong- (or more commonly hong/) chui/
“cover, hand, arm (or "red"), punch ”
cover hand punch
Section viii 【第八段】 di\ ba- duan\
49. 扫堂腿 Shao~ tang/ tui~
“sweep, room, leg”
floor sweeping kick
50. 掩手肱(红)捶 Yen~ shou~ gong- (or more commonly hong/) chui/
“cover, hand, arm (or "red"), punch ”
cover hand punch
51., 52., 左冲右冲 Zhuo~ chong- You\ chong-
“left, dash, right, dash””
left right dashing punch
53. 倒插 Dao~ cha-
“reverse, plunge”
upside-down plunging punch
54. 海底翻花 Hai~ di~ fan/ hua/
“ocean, bottom, churn, flower”
Churn flower from bottom of the sea
55. 掩手肱(红)捶 Yen~ shou~ gong- (or more commonly hong/) chui/
“cover, hand, arm (or "red"), punch ”
cover hand punch
Section ix 【第九段】 di\ jiu~ duan\
56., 57., 夺二肱(红)(1,2) duo/ er\ gong- (or more commonly hong/) (1,2)
“snatch, two, arm”
snatch-punch twice
58. 连珠炮 Lian/ zhu- pao\
“Link, Perl, Canon”
Chain Canon
59. 玉女穿梭 Yü\ nü~ chuan- shuo-
“Jade, Lady, Pierce, Shuttle”
Jade Lady Works Shuttle
60. 回身炮 Hui/ shen- pao\
“Return, Body, Canon”
Turn Body and Punch
61. 玉女穿梭 Yü\ nü~ chuan- shuo-
“Jade, Lady, Pierce, Shuttle”
Jade Lady Works Shuttle
62. 回身炮 Hui/ shen- pao\
“Return, Body, Canon”
Turn Body and Punch
63. 撇身捶 Pie- shen- chui/
“whip-throw, body, punch”
whip (arm) body punch
Section x 【第十段】 di\ shi/ duan\
64. 拗鸾肘 Ao/ luan/ zhou/
“twist, sparrow?, elbow”
twisting elbow-strike
65. 顺鸾肘 Shun\ luan/ zhou/
“smooth, sparrow?, elbow”
normal elbow-strike
66. 穿心肘 Chuan- xin- zhou/
“Pierce, Heart, Elbow”
Elbow Through The Heart
67. 窝底炮 Wuo- di~ pao\
“bosom, bottom, cannon”
punch from bosom
68. 井揽(拦)直入 Jin~ lan~ zhi / ru\
“well, block, straight, in”
down block then enter straight
69. 风扫梅花 Feng- shao~ mei/ hua-
“wind, sweep, plum, flower”
wind sweeps plum flower
70. 金刚捣碓 Jin- gang- dao~ dui-
“Buddha’s warrior, pound, mortar”
Buddha’s warrior pounds mortar
71. 收式 Shou- shi\
“closing, posture”
closing posture
Alternative Extended Ending Added By Master Zhang
64. 腰拦肘 yao- lan/ zhou/
“waist, block, elbow”
waist block and elbow-strike
65. 右拗鸾肘 Ao/ luan/ zhou/
“right,twist, sparrow, elbow”
right twisting elbow-strike
66. 右顺鸾肘 Shun\ luan/ zhou/
“right, smooth, sparrow?, elbow”
right neutralize and elbow-strike
67. 左拗鸾肘 Ao/ luan/ zhou/
“left,twist, sparrow, elbow”
left twisting elbow-strike
68. 左顺鸾肘 Shun\ luan/ zhou/
“right, smooth, sparrow?, elbow”
right neutralize and elbow-strike
69. 雙開一字肘 shuang- kai- yi- zi\ zhou/
“Double, Open, One, Character, Elbow”
Double Elbow Punch (in the shape of the Chinese Character One, which is a horizontal straight line)
70. 双碰肘 shuang- peng\ zhou/
“Double, Collide, Elbow”
Double Elbow Forward Punch
71. 双挂肘 shuang- gua\ zhou/
“Double, Hanging, Elbow”
Double Elbow Rotate Backward Punch
72. 前肩靠 qian/ jian- kao\
“Front, Shoulder, Lean”
(Double) Front Shoulder Lean-in Strike
73. 后肩靠 hou\ jian- kao\
“Back, Shoulder, Lean”
(Double) Back Shoulder Strike
74. 右穿心肘 Chuan- xin- zhou/
“Right, Pierce, Heart, Elbow”
Right Elbow Through The Heart
75. 左穿心肘 Chuan- xin- zhou/
“Left, Pierce, Heart, Elbow”
Left Elbow Through The Heart
77. 雀地龍沖炮 que- di\ long/ chong- pao\
“Sparrow, Ground, Dragon, Dash, Canon”
Low Flying Dragon Dashing Punch
78. 拦腰炮 lan/ yao- pao\
“block, waist, cannon”
waist block and punch
79. 翻花舞袖 Fan- hua- wu~ xiu\
“churn, flower, wave, sleeve”
churn flower wave sleeve
80. 劈挂掌 pi\ gua\ zhang~
"chop, swing, palm"
Chopping swinging palm strike
81. 连环泡 lian/ huan/ pao\
"link, circle, cannon"
Repeating punch
82. 窝底炮 Wuo- di~ pao\
“bosom, bottom, cannon”
punch from bosom
83. 井揽(拦)直入 Jin~ lan~ zhi / ru\
“well, block, straight, in”
down block then enter straight
84. 风扫梅花 Feng- shao~ mei/ hua-
“wind, sweep, plum, flower”
wind sweeps plum flower
85. 金刚捣碓 Jin- gang- dao~ dui-
“Buddha’s warrior, pound, mortar”
Buddha’s warrior pounds mortar
86. 收式 Shou- shi\
“closing, posture”
closing posture
Foot Note
jing~ lan/, "well, block", there are several similar sounding but different words with distinct semantics in-use for this move, lately I like the simple interpretation of "downward (into the water well) block"
bian- pao\, “whip, cannon”, can also mean firecracker in Chinese. However, the translator feels that as the name of the cannon fist movement, it is more appropriate to translate it just as whip cannon in this context.
ma- mei/ hong/, “Rub, eyebrow, red”, attack the opponent’s eyebrow and make it red with blood, I suppose.