Silkreeling Main Sections
Master Feng Zhiqiang Chen Style Taiji Silk Reeling Exercise Summary
Note: The full Silkreeling list of moves is too long, so I created this shorter list with only the names of the sections, which is sufficient as a cheatsheet.
Neck (6 moves)
I. 转头旋颈 Zhuan~ Tou/ Xuan/ Jin~ "Turn Head Roll Neck" (1-3)
II. 鹤首龙头 He\ Shou~ Long/ Tou/ "Crane, Crown, Dragon, Head" (4-6)
Shoulders (12 moves)
III. 旋肩 Xuan/ Jian- "Roll, Shoulder" (7-16)
IV. 前后肩靠 Qian/ Hou\ Jian- Kao\ "Front, Back, Shoulder, Lean/Check" (17-18)
Arms - Spirals (10 moves)
V. 臂顺逆缠丝 bi\ shun\ ni\ chan/ si- "Arm, natural, reverse, reel, silk" (19-21)
VI. 臂螺旋缠丝 bi\ luo/ xuan/ chan/ si- "Arm, spiral, spin, reel, silk" (22-24)
VII. 开合顺逆缠丝 kai- he/ shun\ ni\ chan/ si- "Open, close, natural, reverse, reel, silk" (25-26)
VIII. 斜开合缠丝 xie/ kai- he/ chan/ si- "Diagonal, open, close, reel, silk" (27-28)
IX. 开合缠丝 kai- he/ chan/ si- "Open, close, reel, silk" (29-30)
Arms - Stretches (13 moves)
X. 上下伸缠丝 shang\ xia\ shen- chan/ si- "Up, down, stretch, reel, silk" (30-31)
XI. 前後伸缠丝 qian/ hou\ shen- chan/ si- "Front, back, stretch, reel, silk" (33-36)
XII. 平伸缠丝 ping/ shen- chan/ si- "Horizontal, stretch, reel, silk" (37-38)
XIII. 上下螺旋缠丝 shang\ xia\ luo/ xuan/ chan/ si- "Up, down, spiral, spin, reel, silk" (39-41)
Elbows and Wrists (23 moves)
XIV. 肘部缠丝 zhou/ bu\ chan/ si- "Elbow, Section, Reel, Silk" (42-47)
XV. 腕部摇旋 wan\ bu\ yao/ xuan/ "Wrist, Section, Spin, Roll" (48-62)
Waists (13 moves)
XVI. 螺旋冲拳 luo/ xuan/ chong- quan/ "Spiral, Turn, Dash, Punch" (63-64)
XVII. 丹田内转 dan- tian/ nei\ zhuan~ “pill, field, Internal, circle” (65-58)
XVIII. 腰腹股摇旋 yao- fu\ gu~ yao/ xuan/ "Waist, abdomen, thigh, spin, roll” (69-75)
Legs (11 moves)
XIX. 膝部缠丝 xi- bu\ chan/ si- "Knee, Section, Reel, Silk" (76-84)
XX. 蹬脚提膝 deng\ jiao~ ti/ xi- "Kick, Foot, Lift, Knee" (85-88)
XXI. 踝足缠丝 huai/ zu/ chan/ si- "Ankle, Foot, Reel, Silk" (89-94)
Shakes (4 moves)
XXII. 金鸡抖翎 jin- ji- dou~ ling~ "Golden, Rooster, Shake, Feather” (95-99)