Hun-Yuan Sword Moves
chen/1 shi\ xin- yi\ hun/ yuan/ si\ shi/ ba- shi\ tai\ ji/ jian\
Chen Style Xin Yi Hun Yuan Fourty Eight Movements Tai Ji Sword Form
Section i 【第一段】di\ yi- duan\
1. 起式 Qi~ shi\
“starting, posture”
starting posture
2. 仙人指路 Xian- ren/ zi~ lu\
“immortal, person, point, road”
immortal points the way
3. 叶底藏花 Ye\ di~ cang/ hua-
“leaf, bottom, hide, flower”
flower hidden under a leaf
4. 丹凤朝阳 Dan- feng\ chao/ yang/
“crimson, phoenix, face, sun”
crimson phoenix faces the sun
5. 劈剑探海 Pi\ jian\ tan\ hai~
“split, sword, probe, sea”
splitting sword probing the sea
6. 青龙出水 Qing- long/ chu- shui~
“green, dragon, emerge, water”
green dragon emerge from water
Section ii 【第二段】di\ er\ duan\
7. 左右护膝 Zuo~ you\ hu\ xi~
“left, right, protect, knee”
protect both left and right knee
8. 转身闭门 Zhuan~ shen- bi\ men/
“turn, body, close, door”
turn body and close door
9. 青龙出水 Qing- long/ chu- shui~
“green, dragon, emerge, water”
green dragon emerge from water
10. 翻身斩 Fan- shen- kan~
“flip, body, chop”
flip body and chop
11. 跟步刺 Gen- bu\ ci\
“follow, step, stab”
follow step and stab
12. 斜飞式 Xie/ fei- shi\
“diagonal, flying, posture”
diagonal flying posture
Section iii 【第三段】di\ san- duan\
13. 凤凰展翅 Feng\ huang/ chan~ ci\
“phoenix, spread, wing”
phoenix spreads its wings
14. 凤凰点头 Feng\ huang/ dian~ tou/
“phoenix, nod, head”
phoenix nods its head
15. 哪咤探海 Na~ zha- tan\ hai~
“na zha2, probe, sea”
na zha probes the sea
16. 白猿献果 Bai/ yuan/ xian\ guo~
“white, ape, offer, fruit”
white ape offer fruit
17. 倒卷肱 Dao\ juan~ gong- (or more commonly hong/)
“reverse, roll, arm”
backward turning upper arm
18. 穿林展翅 Chuan- lin/ zhan~ chi\
“thread, forest, spread, wings”
threading through forest with open wings
section iv 【第四段】 di\ si\ duan\
19. 翻身斩蛟 Fan- shen- zan~ jiao~
“turn, body, chop, dragon”
turn body, chop dragon
20. 金鸡独立 Jin- ji- du/ li\
“golden, rooster, lone, stand”
golden rooster stand on one foot
21. 拨草寻蛇 Bo- chao~ xün/ she/
“part, grass, find, snake”
separate grass looking for snake
22. 野马跳涧 Ye~ ma~ tiao\ jian-
“wild, horse, leap, stream”
wild horse leaps over stream
23. 白蛇吐信 Bai/ she/ tu~ xin\
“white, snake, spits, tongue”
white snake spits tongue
24. 二龙戏珠 Er\ long/ xi- zhu-
“two, dragon, play, pearl”
two dragons play with pearl
Section v 【第五段】di\ wu~ duan\
25. 黑熊反背 Hei- xiong/ fan~ bei\
“black, bear, flips, back”
black bear turns (flips) back
26. 鹰熊斗智 Yin- xiong/ dou\ zhi\
“eagle, bear, contest, wisdom”
eagle and bear contests wisdom
27. 大鹏展翅 Da\ peng- zhan~ chi\
“big, bird, spread, wings”
great bird spreads wings
28. 灵猫捕鼠 Ling/ mao- pu~ shu~
“nimble, cat, catch, mouse”
nimble cat catches mouse
29. 金鸡斗翎 Jin- ji- dou~ ling~
“golden, rooster, shakes, feathers”
golden rooster shakes feathers
30. 哪咤探海 Ne~ zha- tan\ hai~
“ne zha, probe, sea”
ne zha1 probes the sea
Section vi 【第六段】di\ liu\ duan\
31. 苏秦背剑 Su- qin/ bei\ jian\
“su qin2, shoulders, sword”
su qin shoulders sword
32. 古树盘根 Gu~ shu\ pan/ gen-
“ancient, tree, twisting, root”
ancient tree with twisted root
33. 斜飞式 Xie/ fei- shi\
“diagonal, flying, posture”
diagonal flying posture
34. 左右托千斤 Zuo~ you\ tuo- qian- jin-
“left, right, support, thousand, pound”
support 1000 pounds left and right
35. 左右截腕 Zuo~ you\ jie/ wan~
“left, right, intercept, wrist”
slash wrist left and right
36. 横扫千军 Heng/ shao~ qian- jün-
“horizontal, sweep, 1000, soldier”
horizontally sweep 1,000 soldiers
section vii 【第七段】 di\ qi- duan\
37. 金针倒挂 Jin- zen- dao\ gua\
“gold, needle, reverse, hanging”
golden needle hanging upside-down
38. 白猿献果 Bai/ yen/ xian\ guo~
“white, ape, offer, fruit”
white ape offers fruit
39. 左右落花式 Zuo~ you\ luo\ hua- shi\
“left, right, falling. Flower, posture”
falling flowers on left and right
40. 弓步上刺 Gong- bu\ shang\ ci\
“bow, stance, upward, thrust”
bow stance upward thrust
41. 转身下刺 Zhuan~ shen- xia\ ci\
“turn, body, downward, thrust”
turn body, downward thrust
42. 斜飞式 Xie/ fei- shi\
“diagonal, flying, posture”
diagonal flying posture
Section viii 【第八段】di\ ba- duan\
43. 俯身探海 Fu\ shen- tan\ hai~
“lying (face down), body, probe, sea”
lean forward probing the sea
44. 鹞子翻身 Yao/ zi~ fan- shen-
“sparrow hawk, flip, body”
sparrow hawk flips body
45. 黄龙出洞 Huang/ long/ chu- dong\
“yellow, dragon, emerge, cave”
yellow dragon emerges from cave
46. 磨盘剑 Mo/ pan/ jian\
“grind-stone, sword”
grind-stone sword
47. 指南针 Zi~ nan/ zen-
“point, needle, south”
south-pointing needle (compass needle)
48. 收式 Shou- shi\
“closing, posture”
closing posture
Foot Note
Ne~ zha- is a famous immortal warrior prince in Chinese legend, who is known to disturb the eastern sea in his youth and caused major havoc for the dragon king
Su- qin/ is a famous minister during the "Warring States" period in Chinese history, who is known to advocate the kings of the various warring states to form an alliance against the ambitious Qin/ kingdom