Relaxation Exercise
1. 降气洗脏 Jiang\ qi\ xi~ zang\
Literal: “lowering, energy, wash, organ”
Descriptive: lower energy, flush organs
2. 左右阴阳 Zhuo~ you\ ying- yang/
Literal: “left, right, ying, yang”
Descriptive: alternating ying yang
3. 左右车轮(顺逆)Zhuo~ you\ che- lun/ (xun\ ni\)
Literal: “left, right, cart, wheel (forward, reverse)”
Descriptive: alternating cart wheel (forward and reverse)
4. 左右按掌 Zhuo~ you\ an\ zhang~
Literal: “left, right, press, palm”
Descriptive: alternating palm press
5. 左右旋腕(顺逆)Zhuo~ you\ xuan/ wan\ (xun\ ni\)
Literal: “left, right, spin, wrist (forward, reverse)”
Descriptive: double wrist spin (forward and reverse)
6. 左右摆柳 Zhuo~ you\ bai~ liu~
Literal: “left, right, swing, willow”
Descriptive: alternating swinging willow
7. 风摆荷叶(上下)Feng- bai~ he/ ye\ (shang\ xia\)
Literal: “wind, swing, lotus, leaf”
Descriptive: wind swing lotus leaf (high and low)
8. 左右摘星换月(顺逆)Zhuo~ you\ zai- xing- huan\ yue\ (xun\ ni\)
Literal: “left, right, pluck, star, replace, moon (forward, reverse)”
Descriptive: alternating pluck star replace moon (forward and reverse)
9. 白蛇吐信(顺逆)Bai/ she/ tu~ xin\ (xun\ ni\)
Literal: “white, snake, spits, tongue (forward, reverse)”
Descriptive: white snake spits tongue (forward and reverse)
10. 腹前穿梭 Fu\ qian/ chuan- suo-
Literal: “abdomen, front, pierce, shuttle”
Descriptive: shuttling in front of abdomen
11. 劳宫灌气 Lao/ gong-2 guan\ qi\
Literal: “labor, palace, pour, qi”
Descriptive: pour energy into palm
12. 三丹往返 San- dan- wang~ fan~
Literal: “three, pills, go, return”
Descriptive: three dan-tien3 rotation
13. 迎风摆柳 Ying/ feng- bai~ liu~
Literal: “welcome, wind, swing, willow”
Descriptive: willow swinging in the wind
14. 白猿献果(顺逆)Bai/ yuan/ xian\ guo~ (xun\ ni\)
Literal: “white, ape, presents, fruits (forward, reverse)”
Descriptive: white ape presents fruits (forward and reverse)
15. 胸腹折叠 Xiong- fu\ zhe/ tie/
Literal: “chest, abdomen, fold, stack”
Descriptive: chest and abdomen folding
16. 天女散花 Tian- nü~ san\ hua-
Literal: “heaven, lady, spreads, flower”
Descriptive: celestial lady spreads flower
17. 转腹归元 Zhuan~ fu\ gui- yuan/
Literal: “rotate, abdomen, return, origin”
Descriptive: rotate abdomen, return to origin
18. 收功 Shou- gong\
Literal: “close, exercise”
Descriptive: closing posture
The marking after the phonetic pronunciation (according to the Pin Yin system) is the tonal inflection of the vowel(s), i.e. The symbol ‘-‘ is for high pitch but constant tone, ‘/’ is for rising (in pitch) tone, ‘~’ is for dropping then rising, ‘\’ is for dropping.
Lao/ gong-, “Labor, Palace”, Chinese name of the acupuncture point in the middle of the palm.
The middle, lower and back “Dan-Tien”.