32 Cannon Moves
chen/ shi\ xin- yi\ hun/ yuan/ san- shi/ er~ shi\ pao\ chui/
Chen Style Xin Yi Hun Yuan Thirty Two Movements Cannon Fist
Note that the grouping of movements into sections is done by the translator (Brian Guan) as an attempt to divide the form into manageable chunks and has not been approved by Grand Master Feng or Master Zhang.
Section i 【第一段】 di\ yi- duan\
1. 无极起式 Wu/ ji/ qi~ shi\
“nothing, ultimate1, starting, posture”
starting posture
2. 金刚捣碓 Jin- gang- dao~ dui-
“Buddha’s warrior, pound, mortar”
Buddha’s warrior pounds mortar
3. 懒扎衣 Lan~ zha- yi-
“lazy, tie, coat”
leisurely tie coat
4. 六封四閉 Liu\ feng- si\ bi\
“six, blocking, four, closing”
six blocking four closing
5. 单鞭 Dan- bien-
“single, whip”
single whip
6. 搬拦捶 Ban- lan/ chui/
“move, block, punch”
move, block and punch
7. 护心捶 Hu\ xin- chui/
“protect, heart, punch”
protect heart and punch
Section ii 【第二段】 di\ er\ duan\
8. 拦手 Lan/ shou~
“block, hand”
blocking hand
9. 斜行拗步 Xie/ xing/ ao/ bu\
“diagonal, walk, twist, step”
walk obliquely and twist step
10. 煞腰壓肘 Sha- yao- ya- zhou~
“tighten/stop, waist, press, elbow”
snap waist press elbow
11. 井揽(拦)直入 Jin~ lan~ zhi / ru\
“well, block, straight, in”
down block1 then enter straight
12. 风扫梅花 Feng- shao~ mei/ hua-
“wind, sweep, plum, flower”
wind sweeps plum flower
13. 金刚捣碓 Jin- gang- dao~ dui-
“Buddha’s warrior, pound, mortar”
Buddha’s warrior pounds mortar
Section iii 【第三段】 di\ san- duan\
14. 庇身捶 Pi- shen- chui/
“drape, body, punch”
shield body punch
15. 撇身捶 Pie- shen- chui/
“whip-throw, body, punch”
whip (arm) body punch
16. 斩手 Zhan~ shou~
“chop, hand”
chop hand
17. 翻花舞袖 Fan- hua- wu~ xiu\
“churn, flower, wave, sleeve”
churn flower wave sleeve
18. 掩手肱(红)捶 Yen~ shou~ gong- (or more commonly hong/) chui/
“cover, hand, arm (or "red"), punch ”
cover hand punch
Section iv 【第四段】 di\ si\ duan\
19. 飞步腰拦肘 Fei- bu\ yao- lan/ zhou/
“fly, step, waist, block, elbow”
jump forward strike body with elbow
20. 云手 Yun/ shou~
“Cloud, Hand”
Cloud hand
21. 高探马 Gao- tan\ ma~
“High, Pad, Horse” or "High, Scout"
High probe
22. 云手 Yun/ shou~
“Cloud, Hand”
Cloud hand
23. 高探马 Gao- tan\ ma~
“High, Pad, Horse”
High pad horse
24. 连珠炮 Lian/ zhu- pao\
“Link, Perl, Canon”
Chain Canon
Section v 【第五段】 di\ wu~ duan\
25. 撇身捶 Pie- shen- chui/
“whip-throw, body, punch”
whip (arm) body punch
26. 腰拦肘 yao- lan/ zhou/
“waist, block, elbow”
waist block and elbow-strike
27. 顺拦肘 Shun\ lan/ zhou/
“smooth, block, elbow”
neutralize and elbow-strike
28. 穿心肘 Chuan- xin- zhou/
“Pierce, Heart, Elbow”
Elbow Through The Heart
29. 窝底炮 Wuo- di~ pao\
“bosom, bottom, cannon”
punch from bosom
30. 井揽(拦)直入 /平穿肘 Jin~ lan~ zhi / ru\ or ping/ chuan- zhou/
“well, block, straight, in” or "horizontal, piercing, elbow"
down block then enter straight or horizontal piercing elbow strike
31. 风扫梅花 Feng- shao~ mei/ hua-
“wind, sweep, plum, flower”
wind sweeps plum flower
32. 金刚捣碓 Jin- gang- dao~ dui-
“Buddha’s warrior, pound, mortar”
Buddha’s warrior pounds mortar
收式 Shou- shi\
“closing, posture”
closing posture
Note: this form is almost a proper subset of the traditional 71 cannon form. It can be treated as a learning form for intermediate/transition form before learning the complete 71 form. Also lately there are moves taken from the 71 added to this form to lengthen it to 38 moves, 42 moves, 48 moves etc.
Alternative Extended Ending Section
25. 撇身捶 Pie- shen- chui/
“whip-throw, body, punch”
whip (arm) body punch
26. 腰拦肘 yao- lan/ zhou/
“waist, block, elbow”
waist block and elbow-strike
27. 顺拦肘 Shun\ lan/ zhou/
“smooth, block, elbow”
neutralize and elbow-strike
28. 穿心肘 Chuan- xin- zhou/
“Pierce, Heart, Elbow”
Elbow Through The Heart
29. 雀地龍沖炮 que- di\ long/ chong- pao\
“Sparrow, Ground, Dragon, Dash, Canon”
Low Flying Dragon Dashing Punch
30. 拦腰炮 lan/ yao- pao\
“block, waist, cannon”
waist block and punch
31. 翻花舞袖 Fan- hua- wu~ xiu\
“churn, flower, wave, sleeve”
churn flower wave sleeve
32. 劈挂掌 pi\ gua\ zhang~
"chop, swing, palm"
Chopping swinging palm strike
33. 连环泡 lian/ huan/ pao\
"link, circle, cannon"
Repeating punch
34. 窝底炮 Wuo- di~ pao\
“bosom, bottom, cannon”
punch from bosom
35. 井揽(拦)直入 /平穿肘 Jin~ lan~ zhi / ru\ or ping/ chuan- zhou/
“well, block, straight, in” or "horizontal, piercing, elbow"
down block then enter straight or horizontal piercing elbow strike
36. 风扫梅花 Feng- shao~ mei/ hua-
“wind, sweep, plum, flower”
wind sweeps plum flower
37. 金刚捣碓 Jin- gang- dao~ dui-
“Buddha’s warrior, pound, mortar”
Buddha’s warrior pounds mortar
38. 收式 Shou- shi\
“closing, posture”
closing posture